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Friday 22 January 2010

This is pink for Gracie!

Hello everyone.  Well it seems a lot of time has passed since the last rendition.  Gracie is now three years old and doing very well.  A big change from the poorly sick little girl of this time last year.  We are truely grateful for that.  Once again the attitude of gratitude raises its profile in my thoughts.  I had been without my car for 5 weeks and really missed it, although the amount of snow we had on the ground here, it was probably a blessing that I didn't have to drive in it.  The fact that it was still under manufacturer's warranty when it decided to give up the ghost is also  something to be grateful for, it only had three days to go before it ran out!  It would probably have cost an arm and a leg to pay for the repair that took 5 weeks.  The down side is that I did not get out to walk for fear of falling on the icy pavements and roads so I put on half a stone in weight.( Ate lots of biscuits and drank lots of coffee)  Putting that to rights now!. In three weeks we will be going away to see out grandchildren and mother will go into the local nursing home while we are away.  A break from the 24/7 caring role will be good for me and help me relax. 

Something I would like to share with you today is this quote.  How true it is.  Love to you all today. I wish you all peace and tranquility today and always.

"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than there is for bread."
Mother Theresa

Image courtsey of www.aimeeasher.com