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Thursday 7 January 2010

Arts and crafts

Today I tried my hand at the very latest crafting craze, working with Pro Markers.  These are some of the results.  I found the flesh tones pretty hard to guage but I think I am getting there.  Martha Borst gave us plenty of food for thought yesterday so I thought I might let you all digest that for the time being.

My Daughter mistakenly took the Martha Borst blog as my own and wondered if I had had two husbands.  I thought it very amusing.  Love you Darling!  You made my day!  Mum!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished?

Yes; work never begun."

~ Unknown
This is from Martha Borst today!  I thought it might help.  We all need a boot at some time or another!

On the practical side, as you launch into the New Year, no doubt you do so with the good intention of finishing projects, starting new ones and being more effective and efficient than you were last year.
As you make your 'To Do Lists' and attempt to complete them, there are four little guidelines that will make your process more successful. These four guidelines will direct your actions and make your job, whether it is running a business or a home, more successful and decidedly more pleasant. They are:

Do it - If it's something that can be done in 10 to 15 minutes, do it and do it now. Stop procrastinating, stop whining and complaining. Just DO IT! And do the most unpleasant things first.

Delay it - If it's going to take longer than 15 minutes, put it on a list of things to be accomplished and set a date by when you will have it done. You may want a short term delay list for things that need to be done soon (like today, tomorrow or this week), and a long term delay list for things that can wait longer (two or three months), but are things that still must be done.

Delegate it - Use this one as much as possible. When I was first married, my husband at the time and I argued over who should bring the firewood into the house. I thought he should do it and he thought I should. Neither of us would budge and we would sit in the living room with our coats on and read in grouchy silence. Then a light bulb went off in my head. Hire a neighborhood kid to do it! Give him $10 to bring in a whole load of wood and everyone will be happy! Believe me, the little bit of money was worth paying to have a pleasant evening. Delegate, delegate, delegate as much as possible and then follow up to make sure it has been done.

Dump it - Simply get rid of anything that you've had on your list for a long time. Face it, you don't want to do it, it's not that important. Let it go. Leaving it on your list of things to do only burdens you and makes you feel guilty. Throw out those papers, clothes, plans. Let them go. You will never miss them.

So, look around the house, look in the closet basement and garage. Look at your desk. Pick up that paper on top of the pile. Begin the process and then do one of four things with what needs to be done, Do it, Delay it, Delegate it or Dump it. But don't just sit there doing nothing!! Now stop reading this and get to work!

Monday 4 January 2010

Hello everyone who passes this way.

 I love it when Christmas comes but equally love to take all the perifery down and get back to normal.  However, what I do miss about the the Christmas season is the smiles and friendliness on peoples' faces as they go about their daily chores.  I was in a supermarket a few days before Christmas and noticed very much how all the men were singing!  Yes singing! So from my little archive I have plundered the following quote:
"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."

Its a difficult concept as we all have the notion that we are here for ever!  But do give it a try.  Happy, peaceful, and fufilled 2010 to you all, with all my love.
(the graphic is from http://www.aimeeasher.com/)